Thursday, 16 February 2017

More GCC products to grow the
The GCC Group SCAM

If there was not already enough evidence to put Mr Jan M Pasboel in PRISON � here is some more. It�s all on the web for everyone, including the government authorities, to see.

The GCC Group, Jan M Pasboel in particular, announced five new products on the 11th February 2017. Apparently the Take-Away is now called EatMe and not TakeAway. The GCC Group are somehow going into GOLD Mining� YES GOLD MINING ! Something called GCCShopClub, GCC24x7, GCCDating and GCCAuctions.

First thing we noticed is that, on the UK launch night (11thFeb 2017), some of the domain names for these products had not even been registered. Its simple stuff. We checked on our smart phones. We wondered � are you making it all up as you go along Mr Jan M Pasboel ? RED FLAG alert!

Mr Jan M Pasboel must have realised his mistake when he got back to the office in Poznan, Poland as they got gcc24x7 and gcceatme registered on the 13thFeb. GCCshopclub was registered on 9th Feb and get this� GCCgold24 was also registered on the 13th Feb, but not by GCC ! Looks like someone else got there first !  Just how stupid does Mr Jan M Pasboel think we all are?

So, we have also now found out that Mr Jan M Pasboel used the same slides a year ago in another country, saying that they were products that are coming soon. He must think that we just believe all his bullshit and that we don't talk with each other. RED FLAG alert!

Lets look more closely. Jan M Pasboel said, and you can hear it on the movie of the UK event on Feb 11th 2017, GCC are not into selling gold but mining gold. So is this some sort of mining investment scheme he has up his sleeve? And if it is, are The GCC Group regulated in Europe (or anywhere else in the world), to sell investments? That�s a NO. This sounds like more PRISON time for Mr Jan M Pasboel and all the directors at The GCC Group. RED FLAG alert! To file a complaint report click here.

GCCeatme � wasn�t that meant to be GCCTakeAway ?  What idiot came up with that name? �Eat Me�. Its a sexual reference! Sexual references there don�t help a bit. RED LIGHT alert!

GCCshopClub � now that�s interesting. We have no idea what it is (and Mr Jan M Pasb�el didn�t know either, when asked he just mumbled nonsense), but we can tell you that it will cost you 28� a month. Its in section �SECTION 11.2.2 � GCC Club services� of the Policies and Procedures.   

O yes! Have you checked out the all new Policies and Procedures? They are brand new and The GCC Group want you to think that they have been there since March 24, 2015. Bad news Mr Jan M Pasboel � despite you being sneaky, we have all made a copy of all the previous versions! RED FLAG alert!

It�s a badly copied set of Policies and Procedures from a American MLM but TAKE NOTE � as they are, they are designed to make things really hard for GCC affiliates. BAD NEWS. Make sure you read them and put your comments below.

Mr Jan M Pasboel keeps saying there is no Autoship, no Renewal fees, no Inventory Purchases required and you stay ACTIVE forever. That's not what it says in the ALL NEW Policies and Procedures.

You had better read this lot � who knows what other sneaky tricks Mr Jan M Pasb�el has ready !

Headings include:
SECTION 11.1 � Effect of Cancellation
SECTION 11.2 � Cancellation Due to Inactivity
SECTION 11.2.1 � Failure to Meet PV Quota
SECTION 11.2.2 � GCC Club services
SECTION 11.2.3 � Failure to Earn Commissions
SECTION 11.3 � Involuntary Cancellation
SECTION 11.4 � Voluntary Cancellation
SECTION 11.5 � Non-Renewal
SECTION 11.6 � Exceptions to Activity Requirements
SECTION 11.6.1 � Maternity
SECTION 11.6.2 � Military Deployment

The GCC Group Affiliate Policies and procedures.

REMEMBER � help the SINC community, and everyone else looking to join an honest business, with your comments, experience and what information you have found by including it in the comments section. Stay tuned - more to follow.


We will be back with MORE NEWS as we get it.

Don't stand by while people lose their money.
To file a complaint click here. 

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Report a European Company here:
DIT Poland
TheGCCgroup Poland 

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