Friday 17 March 2017

 The GCC Group and Jan M Pasboel
announce another FRAUD Product

On 15th March 2017 The GCC Group announced a promotion
on their facebook page

What a great idea to get even more money into Jan M Pasboels pocket. The promotion says that GCC affiliates can SELL The GCC coin packages. Each GCC coin in the package is valued at 10 cents. Packages cost from 38 euro to 48,888 euro.  So, for 38 euro you would get 380 GCC coins.

errrr... HOLD THE BUS !!!
We now find out that The GCC coin is actually LIVE on the Nova Exchange and you can buy the GCC coins there for 1,000th of the price !!  
For 38 Euro you could buy 3,800,000 coins!!

GCC affiliates reading this � are you seeing the BIG picture here? Are you beginning to understand whats actually happening? Jan M Pasboel is stealing from you, your family and your friends.
Is it ethical to ask YOU to sell a GCC coin to your friends for 10cents when YOU or anyone else can buy the same thing on Nova Exchange for 0.00001 cents !!

Does it make you want to curse and cuss?
Please do try this:
Send support@thegcccoin.coman email and ask:  �can I buy thegcccoin today for less than 10 cents on the Nova Exchange ?

We wold love to know if they ignore your email, spin some bullshit, or answer with some truth.
So here is the BIG ISSUE. The GCC Group ( that is Jan M Pasboel ), have been selling a voucher for each GCCcoin at 10 cents. That�s been going on for more than 2 years. Thousands of affiliates have purchased at that price 10cents. Now the GCCcoin is LIVE at only 0.00001cents. OOOOPss!
This is when Jan M Pasboel either skips the country or goes to PRISON.

If you look at the buy/sell orders you can see someone is trying to HIKE THE PRICE already. Who would want to do such a thing? The ONLY person who has TheGCCcoin to put on the market is Jan M Pasboel so IT can ONLY BE HIM. He is buying and selling his own coin to push the price up. Does he really believe we are all so stupid?
Looks like more prison time Mr Jan M Pasboel.

The Mining POOL

Well the Mining Pool was before our time, but this is what it looks like to us.

There was NO MINING as it is clear that the blocks on TheGCCcoin have not been mined.
Its clear what has been released is a NEW COIN. Yet Jan M Pasboel still took money from people for mining coins.
We noticed a facebook post from affiliates talking about GCC Coin mining and it would seem that The GCC Group committed to releasing those mined coins on the first Sunday after �public release day�. That would be Sunday 19th March 2017. The GCC Group has announced the coin is LIVE � so  Mr Jan M Pasboel, hand over the coins.

If your GCC coins are not delivered on Sunday 17thMarch 2017 send GCC support an email and CC in - we dare you !
We know there are no pre-mined GCC coins. It was all �smoke and mirrors� to get more money into Jan M Pasboels pocket. Jan M Pasboel has a voucher system just like ONECOIN !

What The GCC Group and Jan M Pasboel are about to do is release computer generated blocks. These, Jan Pasboel can make in minutes. He can just pick a number, produce them in minutes and put them on the Nova Exchange.
 Jan scaM Pasboel has been lying to us all.
Remember to SHARE this post, every one needs to know. Sharing this is the right thing to do.
Want to send us an email:  we would love to read and publish your thoughts as well. If you want your name to be kept private, that's OK too.

Remember to check back here for updates.
We are getting warmed up.

Report a European Company here:

DIT Poland
TheGCCgroup Poland

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