Friday 17 March 2017

 The GCC Group and Jan M Pasboel
announce another FRAUD Product

On 15th March 2017 The GCC Group announced a promotion
on their facebook page

What a great idea to get even more money into Jan M Pasboels pocket. The promotion says that GCC affiliates can SELL The GCC coin packages. Each GCC coin in the package is valued at 10 cents. Packages cost from 38 euro to 48,888 euro.  So, for 38 euro you would get 380 GCC coins.

errrr... HOLD THE BUS !!!
We now find out that The GCC coin is actually LIVE on the Nova Exchange and you can buy the GCC coins there for 1,000th of the price !!  
For 38 Euro you could buy 3,800,000 coins!!

GCC affiliates reading this � are you seeing the BIG picture here? Are you beginning to understand whats actually happening? Jan M Pasboel is stealing from you, your family and your friends.
Is it ethical to ask YOU to sell a GCC coin to your friends for 10cents when YOU or anyone else can buy the same thing on Nova Exchange for 0.00001 cents !!

Does it make you want to curse and cuss?
Please do try this:
Send support@thegcccoin.coman email and ask:  �can I buy thegcccoin today for less than 10 cents on the Nova Exchange ?

We wold love to know if they ignore your email, spin some bullshit, or answer with some truth.
So here is the BIG ISSUE. The GCC Group ( that is Jan M Pasboel ), have been selling a voucher for each GCCcoin at 10 cents. That�s been going on for more than 2 years. Thousands of affiliates have purchased at that price 10cents. Now the GCCcoin is LIVE at only 0.00001cents. OOOOPss!
This is when Jan M Pasboel either skips the country or goes to PRISON.

If you look at the buy/sell orders you can see someone is trying to HIKE THE PRICE already. Who would want to do such a thing? The ONLY person who has TheGCCcoin to put on the market is Jan M Pasboel so IT can ONLY BE HIM. He is buying and selling his own coin to push the price up. Does he really believe we are all so stupid?
Looks like more prison time Mr Jan M Pasboel.

The Mining POOL

Well the Mining Pool was before our time, but this is what it looks like to us.

There was NO MINING as it is clear that the blocks on TheGCCcoin have not been mined.
Its clear what has been released is a NEW COIN. Yet Jan M Pasboel still took money from people for mining coins.
We noticed a facebook post from affiliates talking about GCC Coin mining and it would seem that The GCC Group committed to releasing those mined coins on the first Sunday after �public release day�. That would be Sunday 19th March 2017. The GCC Group has announced the coin is LIVE � so  Mr Jan M Pasboel, hand over the coins.

If your GCC coins are not delivered on Sunday 17thMarch 2017 send GCC support an email and CC in - we dare you !
We know there are no pre-mined GCC coins. It was all �smoke and mirrors� to get more money into Jan M Pasboels pocket. Jan M Pasboel has a voucher system just like ONECOIN !

What The GCC Group and Jan M Pasboel are about to do is release computer generated blocks. These, Jan Pasboel can make in minutes. He can just pick a number, produce them in minutes and put them on the Nova Exchange.
 Jan scaM Pasboel has been lying to us all.
Remember to SHARE this post, every one needs to know. Sharing this is the right thing to do.
Want to send us an email:  we would love to read and publish your thoughts as well. If you want your name to be kept private, that's OK too.

Remember to check back here for updates.
We are getting warmed up.

Report a European Company here:

DIT Poland
TheGCCgroup Poland

Friday 17 February 2017

We Joined the GCC with open minds and with great expectations, only to later find that it is a SCAM.

We started with great expectations having seen a presentation by the CEO Jan M Pasboel. There were a few RED FLAGS but we put that down to him being foreign and not knowing the language. But now we know the truth! Everything about the GCC Group and the GCC Coin is just about making Mr Pasboel more money.
Make sure EVERYONE KNOWS this man says one thing and does another. Is he trustworthy?  NO !
Mr Pasboel made lots of statements about the GCC coin (crypto currency) going LIVE on the 11th February 2017 and even got us to pay 88 euros to attend a UK launch event. What a shambles that was. There were around 40 people there for a cheap dinner and yet another long talk from Mr Pasboel on 3D printing and how he wants to give the money to the people. And he then has the cheek to delay the coin launch again to some time in April 2017. He even tried to sell us all some new concept business cards - 250 cards for around 300 euros !! That was the last straw for many of us !!
The truth seems to be that Mr Pasboel is just trying to line his own pockets with our money. We noticed that he was taking CASH from new GCC affiliates for 3D packages. They got no receipt and no product either. We have now learnt that he has done the same thing in other countries he has visited! We know it's illegal in the UK to spend more than �200 in an MLM in the first 14 days, but Mr Pasboel encourages us to do just that. Asking people to
spend 2,838euros (�2,400) on what he calls a Pro Pack. He prefers you to pay in BITcoin if you can! 
He gives away GCC Coins (his crypto currency) like it's candy from his pocket. You can purchase it from his web site as well.  48,888 euros for 488,880 coins. So he is even putting a value of 10cents per coin !! That has to be a Securities Fraud ! and prison time !  He is selling a crypto currency that does not actually exist. It's not live... or is it ??
We found that he had secretly launched his GCC coin called TGC on a live market some weeks back and it's value is 0.00000001 cents. Yet he is charging us 0.10cents a coin !!! WHERE IS OUR MONEY GOING Mr Pasboel ?  The GCC coin is either live or it is not. If it is, it's worth nothing.... and if it is not live then why is Mr Pasboel giving it an inflated value of 0.10 ?  That is surely a financial fraud with prison time attached !    Read it here. 

Jan M Pasboel is SELLING a Crypto Currency coin on his own internal market and putting the money in his pocket. It looks like a PONZI, reads like a PONZI, smells like a PONZI and attracts PRISON TIME, just like a PONZI.
At the "UK Launch Event" his cover story (which he mumbled through - and its all in a movie to!), is that he is just testing the coin and he is not sure if he will launch 2.4billion coins or 24billion coins or 124billion coins... yet some months before he already told us that he had pre-mined 9billion coins W T F !! When you look at the evidence it can be seen that he has actually pre-mined 29billion coins, which you get at the press of a button and costs next to nothing to produce.
When you tell lies you have to have a very good memory Mr Pasboel.
So this is where we start our story. There is so much more to tell. More to follow.
Do leave your comments and experience for others to read.
OOOPs sorry, but the comments box has been disappeared from the blog. Will get it back asap.
These are the comments posted by YOU so far:
I have been in GCC for some time, only for the green part. BUT absolute No statement or proof shown us that gcc will give back to nature. All there is being talked about is 3D print.
I have also seen that cash was given to Jan M. Pasboel for 3D printer but still not delivered. SCAM on ALERT LEVEL
Boomerang - Coming soon to GCC
I was also at the event. What a fool he is. I had been warned by some of the other members from other countries, who have been in a while. And they told me what would happen in the event. It had happened at there event as well. And all they told me in advance.
A long story about how good he is, an hour long boring talk about 3d printing.
And then we got no wallet, no coin and no new products. Just empty promises. A huge disappointment, and 88 Euro for a little bit of food. Pure theft!
Stay away from the scam
I've been in the GCC for over 14 months. I've heard about his vision and his lies so many times. He tells the same stories again and again, however, he delivers not what he promises.
I lose my 1888 Euro, he HAS STOLEN! Without the ability to sell my coins again. Jan Pasb�l is a gigantic con man, he is a fraud monster
How many people have joined GCC? This is meant to be a global business but at the UK event hardly anyone showed up. Maybe 40 people at most. Jan would not tell us how many people are in his network but it cant be more than a few thousand, or is it much less? We enjoyed the night but honestly... for a network marketing event it was really SHIT. He has no idea what he is doing! and now he has taken our money to.
We will be back with MORE NEWS as we get it.
Don't stand by while people lose their money.
Remember to SHARE this post, its the right thing to do.

Want to send us an email:

Report a European Company here:
DIT Poland
TheGCCgroup Poland 

Thursday 16 February 2017

More GCC products to grow the
The GCC Group SCAM

If there was not already enough evidence to put Mr Jan M Pasboel in PRISON � here is some more. It�s all on the web for everyone, including the government authorities, to see.

The GCC Group, Jan M Pasboel in particular, announced five new products on the 11th February 2017. Apparently the Take-Away is now called EatMe and not TakeAway. The GCC Group are somehow going into GOLD Mining� YES GOLD MINING ! Something called GCCShopClub, GCC24x7, GCCDating and GCCAuctions.

First thing we noticed is that, on the UK launch night (11thFeb 2017), some of the domain names for these products had not even been registered. Its simple stuff. We checked on our smart phones. We wondered � are you making it all up as you go along Mr Jan M Pasboel ? RED FLAG alert!

Mr Jan M Pasboel must have realised his mistake when he got back to the office in Poznan, Poland as they got gcc24x7 and gcceatme registered on the 13thFeb. GCCshopclub was registered on 9th Feb and get this� GCCgold24 was also registered on the 13th Feb, but not by GCC ! Looks like someone else got there first !  Just how stupid does Mr Jan M Pasboel think we all are?

So, we have also now found out that Mr Jan M Pasboel used the same slides a year ago in another country, saying that they were products that are coming soon. He must think that we just believe all his bullshit and that we don't talk with each other. RED FLAG alert!

Lets look more closely. Jan M Pasboel said, and you can hear it on the movie of the UK event on Feb 11th 2017, GCC are not into selling gold but mining gold. So is this some sort of mining investment scheme he has up his sleeve? And if it is, are The GCC Group regulated in Europe (or anywhere else in the world), to sell investments? That�s a NO. This sounds like more PRISON time for Mr Jan M Pasboel and all the directors at The GCC Group. RED FLAG alert! To file a complaint report click here.

GCCeatme � wasn�t that meant to be GCCTakeAway ?  What idiot came up with that name? �Eat Me�. Its a sexual reference! Sexual references there don�t help a bit. RED LIGHT alert!

GCCshopClub � now that�s interesting. We have no idea what it is (and Mr Jan M Pasb�el didn�t know either, when asked he just mumbled nonsense), but we can tell you that it will cost you 28� a month. Its in section �SECTION 11.2.2 � GCC Club services� of the Policies and Procedures.   

O yes! Have you checked out the all new Policies and Procedures? They are brand new and The GCC Group want you to think that they have been there since March 24, 2015. Bad news Mr Jan M Pasboel � despite you being sneaky, we have all made a copy of all the previous versions! RED FLAG alert!

It�s a badly copied set of Policies and Procedures from a American MLM but TAKE NOTE � as they are, they are designed to make things really hard for GCC affiliates. BAD NEWS. Make sure you read them and put your comments below.

Mr Jan M Pasboel keeps saying there is no Autoship, no Renewal fees, no Inventory Purchases required and you stay ACTIVE forever. That's not what it says in the ALL NEW Policies and Procedures.

You had better read this lot � who knows what other sneaky tricks Mr Jan M Pasb�el has ready !

Headings include:
SECTION 11.1 � Effect of Cancellation
SECTION 11.2 � Cancellation Due to Inactivity
SECTION 11.2.1 � Failure to Meet PV Quota
SECTION 11.2.2 � GCC Club services
SECTION 11.2.3 � Failure to Earn Commissions
SECTION 11.3 � Involuntary Cancellation
SECTION 11.4 � Voluntary Cancellation
SECTION 11.5 � Non-Renewal
SECTION 11.6 � Exceptions to Activity Requirements
SECTION 11.6.1 � Maternity
SECTION 11.6.2 � Military Deployment

The GCC Group Affiliate Policies and procedures.

REMEMBER � help the SINC community, and everyone else looking to join an honest business, with your comments, experience and what information you have found by including it in the comments section. Stay tuned - more to follow.


We will be back with MORE NEWS as we get it.

Don't stand by while people lose their money.
To file a complaint click here. 

Remember to SHARE this post, its the right thing to do.

Want to send us an email:

Report a European Company here:
DIT Poland
TheGCCgroup Poland